The Canadian Parliament has passed the new immigration bill, according to which immigration applications will be reduced from 36 months to just 6 months.

According to Radio Canada, after more than 19 hours of discussion, Canadian lawmakers voted to ratify the “New Immigration Law 9”, with 62 votes to 42 against, according to which the immigration system to Canada will be modified according to the needs of the labor market.

facilitate immigration to Quebec

Under the new law, coordination with all Canadian ministries will be made to facilitate immigration to Quebec, which will be in 6 months’ time, instead of 36 months.

The Canadian government intends to launch a new program aimed at attracting and resettling immigrants in the country, choosing 11 districts in separate parts of rural areas for this purpose.

This program aims to compensate for the acute shortage of manpower due to youth migration, the declining birthrate and the aging of Canadian society.

Through this program, Canadian authorities seek to attract and retain newcomers with the necessary skills.

Especially in the rural and northern areas of the country, awaiting the circulation of the experiment later in other parts of the country.

The Canadian government is expected to start working with local provinces this summer, to help them identify candidates for permanent residence by next fall.

In the same context, Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Economic Development in Rural Areas, announced that the new program.

It will support the economic development of societies by testing new ways to meet the diverse needs of the labor market.

She added that the initial results of a previous program in the Atlantic provinces show that it had achieved great success, and that the new program to continue the migration experience as a means.

It can help ensure the viability of rural areas throughout the country.

About 78 percent of newcomers to Canada reside in large cities, such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

Within the framework of current federal economic immigration programs, however, rural areas face a severe shortage of labor.